Monday, 18 January 2016

James Shortreed (Murderer) - Hearing for Temporary Escorted Absences - March 2016

James Shortreed has applied for "Temporary Escorted Absences" and a parole hearing is expected to take place in March, 2016.  We will keep you updated as we continue to fight to keep him behind bars in order to prevent him from being a threat towards women, past victims and the community.

Press Release:
Chrystal Brendzy - Neice of Iris McNeil, murdered in 1997._242841990_soundcloud.mp3

Check out @CKNW's Tweet:

#JamesShortreed #JimShortreed #Shortreed

Victoria News Article - Sept 27 2021 - Family Continues fight to block killer's release from William Head

Full story at  Victoria News Sept 27th 2021 James Shortreed