Saturday, 26 January 2013

Update on Jim (James) Shortreed (MURDERER)

By Jeremy Deutsch, Coquitlam NowNovember 2, 2012
On Wednesday October 31, 2013, the parole board denied James Shortreed unescorted temporary absences from William Head Institution in Victoria.

In 1997, James Shortreed bludgeoned Iris McNeil to death a month after they married. He was sentenced to life in prison in 1999.

In a statement to The NOW Wednesday, the Brendzy family, who reside in Coquitlam, said they are pleased by the board's decision, though disappointed they will have to endure parole hearings every couple of years, including another possible hearing for day or full parole in six months.
"It was difficult for our family to submit and read our victim impact statements, but we made it through and were strong," said Ryan Brendzy, McNeil's nephew.

In the most recent hearing, the family noted the 57 year-old was applying for an eight-week unescorted absence during which, if approved, he could have been living in a halfway house in downtown Victoria.

The Brendzy family is urging all victims of crime and their families to submit victim impact statements and ask for a change to the law regarding the number of times an inmate can apply for different types of parole within a two-year period.

James Shortreed is a murderer who lived in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and was born and raised in Ontario, Canada.  This blog is created by victims of Mr. James Shortreed.  He murdered Iris McNeil (his new wife). Iris McNeil was brutally murdered on July 23, 1997 by her new husband James Shortreed.  Mr. Shortreed murdered her by bludgeoning her to death in her sleep with a hammer and then dismantled her body and placed it in their apartment freezer.  Mr. Shortreed has a criminal history including rape and confinement.  Iris was a remarkable women and a federal customs officer.  Mr. Shortreed was sentenced to a life sentence with parole eligibility after 13 years. This website is to inform you of up date information on Mr. James Shortreed. #JamesShortreed #JimShortreed #Shortreed

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Victoria News Article - Sept 27 2021 - Family Continues fight to block killer's release from William Head

Full story at  Victoria News Sept 27th 2021 James Shortreed